Using NPM
$ npm install vanillatoasts
var VanillaToasts = require('vanillatoasts');
Using Bower
$ bower install vanillatoasts
<script src="/bower_components/vanillatoasts/VanillaToasts.js"></script>
Do not forget to include the CSS file on your site!
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/bower_components/vanillatoasts/vanillatoasts.css">
title: 'Welcome to my site',
text: 'This toast will hide after 5000ms or when you click it',
type: 'warning', // success, info, warning, error / optional parameter
icon: '/img/alert-icon.jpg', // optional parameter
timeout: 5000 // hide after 5000ms, // optional parameter
callback: function() { ... } // executed when toast is clicked / optional parameter