K3D is a 2D->3D projection library for displaying simple 3D object defined purely in JavaScript and rendered in HTML5 canvas. It can display 3D objects generated from a set of 3D vectors and described as polygons in a simple JavaScript object structure. Multiple objects can be displayed as individual points, wireframe (lines), solid filled polygons or textured (image mapped) polygons, then shaded using either plain colour, depth cued (z-ordered) or light-sourced using a linear-additive lighting model with any number of coloured lights. Objects can be automatically animated around a point and moved to make simple demonstrations. K3D does not support a "camera" as such. It does not generate a full 3D scene with a movable "observer" or "look at" vectors. Instead a very simple 2D perspective projection is used - a fixed observer looking down the Z-axis towards the origin. K3D runs on any modern HTML5 compatible browser. It does not use Web-GL so will also run on Android phones and Apple iOS devices. Recommend the use of Chome, Firefox, Safari, Opera or IE9 browsers. The code is free to use and modify - see license.txt. This code was created for fun, not profit, but I do appreciate a link back if you use it! Basic and advanced demo examples are provided in this bundle. Project and documentation for the API is online: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/K3D_JavaScript_Canvas_Library https://launchpad.net/canvask3d View the demos page online: http://www.kevs3d.co.uk/dev/canvask3d Find the latest code bundle: http://www.kevs3d.co.uk/dev/canvask3d/canvask3d-src.zip Kevin Roast kevtoast at yahoo.com @kevinroast http://www.kevs3d.co.uk