... JAVASCRIPT ======= ———> JAVASCRIPT#1 “Delay Loader” [Internal Script] <——— There are several difference techniques that offer various levels of success to defer parsing of JavaScript. The following section discusses a few. Use a script to call an external JS file once the initial page is done loading. Patrick Sexton, of varvy.com, recommends using this method to help ensure that your webpage’s initial content is done loading before any additional JS gets loaded. This allows your critical path to not be affected by any render blocking JavaScript. An external JS file should be created which stores all of the JavaScript that isn’t required for the initial display of the web page. The file should then be called by adding the following script just before the tag of your html document. Don’t forget to replace example.js to point to the actual path of your external JavaScript file. Once the initial webpage has finished loading, the above script will begin downloading and executing example.js. Doing this allows for the above-the-fold content to load quicker allowing both your visitors and the Google bot to interact faster with your pages. This not only helps improve the user experience for your visitors, however may also help you rank higher in SERPs as Google uses site speed and prioritizes above-the-fold content. ======= ———> JAVASCRIPT#2 atext.js [External File] <——— ———— Original Example: document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '
'); ———— document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ''); function preloader() { if (document.images) { var img1 = new Image(); var img2 = new Image(); var img3 = new Image(); var img4 = new Image(); var img5 = new Image(); var img6 = new Image(); var img7 = new Image(); var img8 = new Image(); var img9 = new Image(); var img10 = new Image(); var img11 = new Image(); var img12 = new Image(); var img13 = new Image(); var img14 = new Image(); var img15 = new Image(); var img16 = new Image(); var img17 = new Image(); var img18 = new Image(); var img19 = new Image(); var img20 = new Image(); img1.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/border-smoke-tall-L.poj"; img2.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/border-smoke-tall-R.poj"; img3.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-003.gif"; img4.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-004.gif"; img5.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-005.gif"; img6.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-006.gif"; img7.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-007.gif"; img8.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-008.gif"; img9.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-009.gif"; img10.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-010.gif"; img11.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-011.gif"; img12.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-012.gif"; img13.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-013.gif"; img14.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-014.gif"; img15.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-015.gif"; img16.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-016.gif"; img17.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-017.gif"; img18.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-018.gif"; img19.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-019.gif"; img20.src = "https://www.orgacococoffee.com/image-020.gif"; } } function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { if (oldonload) { oldonload(); } func(); } } } addLoadEvent(preloader); ======= ———> JAVASCRIPT#3 <——— ======= ———> JAVASCRIPT#4 <——— =======